2D Art
Art 2D is an introductory course where students will explore basic drawing skills and techniques. Students will learn the Principles and Elements of Design and will incorporate this knowledge into the creation of drawings and paintings using a variety of media. This course is required if you wish to continue on the Art 2D track. This is a semester course.
Drawing or Painting are courses designed for students who want to continue to develop and enhance skills and techniques learned in Art 2D. They will be introduced to more challenging projects which will reinforce and expand the artistic skills taught in Art 2D. These are separate courses and are a year long.
Advanced Placement Art 2D & Advanced Placement Drawing are courses that are designed for the highly motivated student who plans to take art at the college level. Students may take only one AP Studio Art class per year. The work in an AP Art class requires significantly more commitment and accomplishment than the typical high school art program. Portfolios are completed using drawing, painting, photography, digital art, printmaking, etc. Each portfolio is divided into two sections, which require the student to show a fundamental competence and range of understanding in visual methods. This is a teacher recommended course.
Questions about 2D Art, Drawing, Painting, or Advanced Placement Art courses? Email Ms. Rivas at [email protected].
3D Art
Art 3D will utilize students' basic knowledge of drawing and painting and combine it with the principles and elements of design to transform their ideas into sculptures using a variety of media. This course is required if you wish to continue on the Art 3D track. This is a semester course. No prerequisite.
Textile Design is a year-long course in which students will dive into a world of
soft-sculpture. Projects will stem from any soft-sculpture medium like
clothing and fashion design, sewing, embroidery, felting, textile
making, and puppetry. Prerequisites are Creating 2D Art AND Creating 3D
Art OR Sculpture 1, Ceramics, AP 3D.
2 is a place to grow and build upon your 3D Art knowledge. In this
yearlong class, semester 1 will be adding to our prior knowledge of
paper mache, clay, and basic 3D building, and we will also work with
basket weaving, basic sewing, and more advanced building techniques.
Semester 2 will focus on ceramics. Prerequisites are Creating 3D Art.
3 is a portfolio based class where students can explore an idea and
create artwork centered around that idea. Quarter 1 will consist of
creating an idea that will guide their future works while simultaneously
working on an installation. Quarters 2, 3, and 4 will consist of
student led projects in a medium of their choosing related to their
topic. Opportunities are limitless in this class as media include but
are limited to: ceramics, soft sculpture, woodworking, stained glass,
fashion design, paper mache, etc.
Advanced Placement Art 3D is a course that are designed for the highly motivated student who plans to take art at the college level. Students may take only one AP Studio Art class per year. The work in an AP Art class requires significantly more commitment and accomplishment than the typical high school art program. The portfolio is completed by using a variety of 3-Dimensional materials such as clay, wood, found objects, fabric, wire, etc. Each portfolio is divided into two sections, which require the student to show a fundamental competence and range of understanding in visual methods. This is a teacher recommended course.
Questions about 3D Art, Ceramics, Sculpture, or Advanced Placement 3D courses? Email Ms. Villanueva at [email protected].

Digital Photography 1 & 2
In these courses, students will become familiar with the basic mechanics of a camera and will use Adobe Photoshop to create art with varying effects and outcomes. Students in Digital Photography 1 and 2 will take the Adobe Photoshop certification.
WINGS Yearbook
Students will publish Wings, the school yearbook, experience journalistic ethics, research, interview, edit, and advertise. Students will learn about photography, and graphics, layout and design, and business management.
Prerequisite: Teacher advisement from teacher and completion of previous year's course.
Questions about Digital Photography or Yearbook? Email Ms. Herriger at [email protected].
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